+356 2540 1200 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Q3, Level 16, Quad Central, Central Business District, CBD 1040, Malta
ISO 14001:2015 certification
Clean Energy
Clean Air

ElectroGas Malta steam turbine major overhaul

ElectroGas Malta's first Gas Up and Cool Down operation at the port of Marsaxlokk, Malta.

Efficient and Reliable Energy

A sustainable future for Malta

A Cleaner & Safer Malta

An historical shift to a cleaner environment

Our Commitment

Safety and stability without compromise

Who We Are

ElectroGas Malta Ltd is a private company by a consortium of local and international partners. It was selected through a competitive bidding process to provide Malta with its first LNG-to-Power facilities.

EGM was responsible for the construction of the first Malta LNG-to-Power plant at Delimara and continues to manage its operations and the delivery of electricity to Malta.

The power plant provides a new source of safe and reliable gas-powered electricity to the Maltese Islands. It has enhanced Malta’s efficiency in electricity generation by approximately 53% as well as reducing emissions by 50% and particulate matter by 90%.

"Giving Malta an Energetic Future"

Read the full article featured on CEO Magazine.

Giving Malta an Energetic Future

Read the full article featured on CEO Magazine.